Lucinda Davis (actra, caea, uda-s)

Lucinda Davis is a rising star who found her way into the profession through a weird twist of fate. In 1998, with virtually no acting background she made her first television appearance in the YTV series Student Bodies. Then in 1999, she was called "by mistake!" to audition for the starring role in YTV's Radio Active, and got the part. Lucinda has amassed an impressive list of credits including a series lead in television series Seriously Weird; a lead role in the dramatic television movie Within These Walls, starring Ellen Burstyn and Laura Dern; as well as a lead in MTV's series Undressed. Other credits include a recurring role in Naked Josh, a recurring role in Rumours, and roles in feature films such as The Wool Cap and soon to be released The Secret. Lucinda has also worked in dance, theatre, and animation, lending her voice to projects such as Winx, Marsupilami, Station X, My Goldfish is Evil and the videogame Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones.


Hello Everyone,

We are so excited to finally share with you and the world our first two films King Lear and Middletown!

We will be adding Thom Pain and Facelift on November 15th and It’s Springtime Mr. Deslauriers and The Duchess of Malfi on December 12th. Stay tuned!

We are so proud of this work and so grateful for all your artistry, professionalism, humor, and wholehearted awesomeness!


We will be screening the films in Centaur 1 on January 24th and 25th. I will reach out again soon to organize a Crew Screening on one of those evenings.

Can’t wait to see you all and hear your feedback.

To us!
